2021 Yoga Day Celebrations at Top pharmacy college in West Bengal

Yoga, which is an ancient Indian practice, has been an important part of our civilization for ages. International Yoga Day which is celebrated on 21st June globally is India’s gift to the world. It is adopted worldwide as a practice that takes an individual’s body, mind, and soul to eternal peace. It’s an effective practice that’s helping people of all ages to stay away from go-to-ills of stress and anxiety, and keep other heath concerns far away from them. The world has accepted the importance of yoga, and on the 7th International Yoga Day, the top pharmacy college in West Bengal celebrates yoga day telling students its importance and benefits.

Top pharmacy college in West Bengal
Yoga During The Pandemic

 The coronavirus pandemic has led many people to lose their loved ones and has created unprecedented challenges in front of the health systems on a global platform. Not just in India, but all across the globe, people were in the fear of ever-mutating COVID-19 virus and because of this, all were kept inside of their homes. During such tough times, yoga acts as a helping hand in strengthening immune systems.

Let us talk about the benefits of Yoga

The best Pharmacy College in West Bengal describes how yoga helped people during the pandemic.

  • Ayurvedic herbs and medicines act as an immunity booster that strengthens our body to fight against the virus.
  • It’s a proven practice that has helped people to adopt a healthy lifestyle
  • Various Yoga asanas including Shavasana and sasakasana helps in reducing stress and also increases the efficiency of the immune system
  • Breathing exercises help in improving the respiratory system which is very effective for COVID-19 patients
  • Some asana also helps in blood circulations and keeps all organs fit and fine. One of such asana is Trikonasana.
Final Thoughts!

So, the 7th International yoga day celebration was all about yoga benefits and briefing how it helped people during the pandemic. BCPSR, the top pharmacy college in West Bengal thanks everyone for making this celebration a great success.

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