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Find Out What You’ll Do After Your B.Pharm Course from BCPSR

The career options for your B.Pharm course are immense. Pharmacists and chemists are the two most common job profiles for B.Pharm graduates. These professionals are always in demand, as they are responsible for providing medical services to patients. For example, you can work as a quality control associate or a clinical research associate. BCPSR, one of the best B.Pharm colleges in West Bengal shares some of the most popular job roles you can choose after your B.Pharm course. So, let’s have a look at them!

Here’s Are Some Career Advice for M.Pharm Students

  • Be a Pharmacist/ Chemist
  • Work as a Consultant
  • Be a Medical Representative 
best B.Pharm colleges in West Bengal


A pharmacist is responsible for dispensing medication and ensuring that it meets the standards set by the government. They also ensure that they do not give out expired medicines or those with less than 100% effectiveness. A chemist is involved in researching and developing new drugs, their production process, and their quality control.


Consultants provide advice on healthcare issues to hospitals, private doctors or other healthcare professionals through phone calls or emails. They may also instruct doctors on using specific equipment such as x-rays or MRI machines to diagnose a patient’s disease more accurately. Consultants can work in many fields, including radiology, pathology, gastroenterology, and cardiology.

Medical Representatives:

Medical representatives provide information about new drugs and therapies to physicians regarding their efficacy and safety before being approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They work closely with pharmaceutical companies that pay them based on the number of monthly prescriptions written by physicians who have visited their booth at conferences.

BCPSR: Your Ultimate Destination for a Rewarding Career

For updates/ tips to have a rewarding career after completing your B.Pharm course, please feel free to explore our website. Being one of the best B.Pharm colleges in West Bengal, BCPSR is always available to help students with the best career advice.